Sunday, January 6, 2013

What You're Acne Means

Hello Everyone!

When you break out on a certain part of your face, your acne is telling you something about your overall health. Sometimes it's just dirt/oil (either from over-washing or just being...dirty), sometimes it's from hormones (being a teenager really does suck sometimes), but sometimes it's something more. Something so simple you probably didn't even realize it could be the cause. Count how many times I wrote "some" in that paragraph.

Here's a map of a face, and I'm going to explain the different parts and what they mean when they break out.
The rule when reading these, though, is to not immediately blame your acne on every one of these causes. Not all of them contribute, especially not all at once.

A. Forehead. When you break out on your forehead it usually means you haven't been drinking enough water and as a result have poor digestion. It can also mean you've been eating a lot of sugar, you've been sleeping irregularly, or you've been worrying or stressing over something. Drink lots of water (lemon water especially) and green tea, and make sure you eat your veggies/fiber. Try to sleep on a schedule, the recommended amount is 8 hours. I know that for students 8 hours is hard to get, but my motto is that sleep and a healthy body always comes first. Acne on the forehead can also be caused by certain hair products or your fringe (bangs), so if the health route doesn't work maybe try out a different shampoo.

B. Eyebrows and Temples. Breaking out here usually has to do with your liver. Rich food, lots of sweets and salts, processed food, alcohol, tobacco, and a diet high in fat can cause your liver to have to work harder to break it all down and get rid of all the toxins. Sometimes there are too many toxins and the liver can't flush them all out, so they are flushed out through the skin. The result: your acne. Make sure you are eating a healthy, balanced diet, at regular times of the day. Another cause of acne could be lactose. I switched to soy milk a year ago and I do see a difference in how often I break out.

C. Upper Cheeks: Your upper cheeks are linked to respiratory problems, such as smoking, asthma, or bad air/pollution. It can also be caused by simple things such as a dirty pillow or phone. Overeating, your liver of course, and stomach problems could also be the cause. If you live in a city, pollution could be getting to your skin, so make sure you wash your face at least twice a day. Clean your phone and pillow regularly.

D. Lower Cheeks: These have to do with the hormones. People have smaller pores on their lower cheeks, therefore when girls go on their period and the excess oil gets produced in this area, they get clogged easily. Hormonal problems are unfortunately a part of life. If this acne really bothers you or gets to be really bad, talk to your dermatologist (and your mother if you're still under 18) about birth control. It should help control your hormones and in effect control your acne.

E. Nose: The nose is linked to your heart. This means that high blood pressure and a poor diet could be causing your acne. Constipation and bloating are two other causes.

F. Ears: Your ears breaking out is painful and confusing, because you don't normally think of your ears as a place for pimples. But a salty diet and too much caffeine can cause it. Try not to indulge too much on snacks at parties, etc. Talk or dance instead.

G. Chin and Sides of Chin: This, like your lower cheeks, is linked to hormones. But it could also be due to stress, lack of sleep, or a kidney imbalance. Kidney imbalance also has symptoms such as aversion to light, pale skin (due to the lack of light..), depression, and having to pee a lot. Go see your practitioner if you have any of these other symptoms.

H. Chest: Last but not least, your chest breakouts could be due to stress (surprise surprise!), humid weather, or even the fabrics from your clothing. Check to see maybe if you have any allergies?

Common among the reasons for your breakouts listed above are stress, poor diet, not enough sleep, and your liver. Your face can be a display of how healthy you are, even with acne on it. Take care of yourself, and make good choices! You'll feel great and you'll look great, too.

Maybe in my next post I'll list the foods can can be good for you, as well as bad for you, and some may surprise you.

Until next time!
Love and Courage,

PS: Check out Bubzbeauty below! I have one of her recent videos, but she has made tons of great skincare videos in the past, so check them out if you can! She's also hilarious.

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