Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Different Kinds of Acne

Hello Everyone!

I felt like this topic would be a good place to start, because knowing what you're fighting is smart.
I didn't learn all of this until recently, and I wish someone had told me that the acne around my face was not all the same. So here we go!

The definition of a pimple: a clogged pore/hair follicle
The definition of acne: an occurrence of multiple pimples due to a common source in the clog of the pores.

Now for the different forms of acne.

Blackheads- These are my most common and hardest to get rid of, simply because they just stay around forever! Blackheads are what they sound like: little black dots due to clogged pores mostly found behind the nostrils of your nose. They are not meant for popping because they are not enclosed; they basically sit in your pore. The reason they are black is because they are exposed, and the air oxidizes the sebum (bacteria and oil) and keratin (skin debris) stuck in that pore and turns it black. Exfoliation is the most common trick for removing blackheads.

Whiteheads- These are basically enclosed blackheads that formed a little bump. They are white/skin-colored because they don't come in contact with the sun. Like blackheads, they are not inflamed, and you should not pop them. Popping a pimple that is not inflamed does more harm than good, because you have now inflamed it and it will get bigger and grosser and start to hurt.

Sebaceous Filaments- Please read this one! It is related to blackheads. These are the light brown spots you find on the top or tip of your nose; they are not blackheads, they are not even acne. They should not be touched, because they are natural. Almost like freckles. Messing with them will probably just give you tiny pimples on your nose from touching the area so much. I did not know this for years and years, and I thought my nose was just covered in a lighter form of blackheads. Do not worry about these!

Pustules- These are what you think of when you think of a zit. They are the inflamed red pimples that come to a head (when you can see the white pus, aka when they are ready to pop). Do not pop these unless you can clearly see the head and the zit is practically asking to be popped. Clean your hands and the area on your face extremely well if you do. They are meant to pop whether you do it or not, but if you do it you risk more inflammation and more bacteria getting caught inside.

Papules- These pimples are the early stages of pustules, though they don't always turn into them. They are the little red bumps you find all over your face, and they hurt. Do not try to pop or squeeze really have nothing to pop anyway.

Nodules- The absolute worst. I did not get these until my senior year of high school, therefore I treated them like every other pimple I had previously gotten...NOT a good idea. Nodules are hard, large bumps, with no pus inside of them. They are really deep under the skin and really hard to get rid of. They are caused by the body producing excess sebum which in turn does not have enough time to travel to the skin's surface. Hair follicles get clogged, and when they are deep, they form nodules.

Cysts- These are nodules filled with liquid-looking pus. But just because these have pus in them does not mean you can pop them or squeeze them. Cystic Acne is the acne that scars. Don't be scared of it though, it will go away, I've gotten through the worst of it and so can you! My suggestion for treating it is to see a dermatologist about it. Ask them not only for a solution, but for tips and an explanation as to how you should treat it on your own, every day. Never rely on products your doctor gives you alone. I'll talk about that in another post.

I hope this clears up at least some confusion about the different forms of acne, or at least demonstrates that not all of it is the same. I know acne is frustrating to deal with and it all seems hopeless, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel even if it seems far off. Never give up!

And now, I leave you with this gem of a video.

Lots of love,

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